If you want to unlock an iPhone you should know that these devices are not unlock by code. To get our iPhone unlock service is necessary request an authorization to unlock the IMEI to Apple's official servers. It is very simple for us, we simply need the device´s IMEI number, once the unlocking is approved, you cant insert any SIM card from another network providers. Your iPhone connects to the Apple servers and is will be unlocked in seconds! The advantage of this official unlocking is that the device does not void the warranty and you don´t need any unlock iPhone software.
You can use the apple device with any SIM Card on the world. Our unlock iPhone service works for any carrier, (including GSM or CDMA networks).
You could get the free unlocking if you meet the carrier requirements, you should call at customer service hotline to unlock your iPhone without cost and you iPhone will be approved, but this process is not instant, Movical.Net offers you same Apple unlocking service when your carrier do not approve the unlocking.
You have two options to know if your apple phone is Locked or Unlocked:
One locked iPhone indicates this:
SIM Not Valid. The SIM card that you currently have installed in this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported under the activation policy that is currently assigned by the activation server. This is not a hardware issue with the iPhone. Please insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that this iPhone be unlocked by your carrier. Please contact Apple for more information.
When the iPhone is connected to the computer with the iTunes open, it automatically connects to the Apple servers to check if the IMEI of your phone must be unlocked or remain locked.
Once you have purchased the unlocking, we will send you an email notifying you of the successful unlocking and you must connect the iPhone to your PC via USB cable, you will be unlocked forever.
iOS current versions NO need to connect the iPhone to the PC, just connect it to a Wi-Fi network or mobile network to check with the Apple servers if the unlocking is done.
Once your iPhone is unlocked you can use all the network providers of Ireland, for example Eir, Three, Vodafone and also carriers on the world.
"De lo mejor de la red para celulares"
"Es un servicio muy bueno y completo, trabajan muy bien y claro "
"Excelente servicio ya es la segunda vez que movical.net me desbloquea dos teléfonos, Gracias "